Saturday, December 8, 2012

Creating a New Music Genre

I've been searching for some time to find a descriptive label for the music I write.  Many songwriter-promoting websites ask me to pigeon-hole my style of music, or identify which well-known music it sounds like.  This doesn't sit well with me.  I enjoy exploring a wide variety of genres and coming up with my own, unique sound. My music sounds like me. (Scattered, all over the place, sometimes shallow, sometimes deep.)

I've been toying with a variety of labels.  Today I thought of Contemporary Romantic Adult Pop, but had to abandon that when I realized the acronym was CRAP!

Therefore, I am back at the beginning of my quest to answer those eternal questions:
"Who or what am I?" and "What am I doing here?"
If anyone out there knows, please feel free to share that information.  And if you have a genre label that you think fits, I'd be happy to give it a try.  I'm pretty sure it will include the word, 'alternative', but I'm not sure of much else.

1. I've been invited to attend a concert that will include one of my songs, which will be recorded live.
2. I've been contacted by one of my music publishers, asking me to provide recordings of three of my published songs for their website.  (Does anyone out there have recordings of "Come With Me on Horses", "Requiem For the Innocent", or "Inventions and Machines"?)
3. I'm waiting to hear back from a publisher, a literary agent and a story-writing contest about my two newest books.  Sounds like the premise for a joke!

Have a safe and happy holiday.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Finished New Teen Fiction Novel!

My faithful readers may have been wondering where I've been hiding.  I've been visiting with a lot of family this summer, and sneaking in writing time whenever I can.  This week I finished my teen fiction novel.  It is now in the hands of four trusted family members, who will get the first shot at reading it and offering critiques.  After that, I'm open to sending copies to anyone willing to read it.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

The First Reviews are Coming In!

Oh, it's good to have supportive friends and family!  The first two reviews have come in, and my family editor wants to meet with me and go over some constructive feedback notes.  The feedback is positive, encouraging me to take the next step.  Time to look for more interested readers, and a publisher just looking for a short adventure story set in Nova Scotia for the 12-14-year-old demographic!

I've started my next story, which will be longer.  It's based on a little conspiracy theory of mine...


Monday, May 21, 2012

Nova Scotia Adventure story finished!

I just put the finishing touches on my Nova Scotia adventure story this weekend.  Just printed out the first two paper copies.  It will be interesting to see who volunteers to read it, and what the reactions will be.  I gave it my we'll see what the critics have to say! 

The first reading opportunities go to family and friends.  One hopes they will be diplomatic.  Then we'll see if anyone else is interested!

Next, a conspiracy story is in the works.  I'm having fun!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

New Creative Works

You haven't heard from me for a while because life has been taking all my energy and focus recently.  When I have had the chance, I've been working on writing two new books!  I can't give details right now without giving too much away, but I can tell you this much.

One is an adventure about a 12-year-old boy, based on my time living in Nova Scotia.  It's a short novel for kids around that age, using lots of local history and geography.

The other book is non-fiction for an adult audience about negotiating through the challenges of life today.  It's sort of a guide book, (I don't want to say "self help for dummies"), but that sort of idea. (I had to live the experiences before I could write about them, so I suppose that makes me the original dummy!)  Anyway,  I'm enjoying the writing process.  Once I'm done both books, I'll be interested to see if anyone wants to read them! 


Sunday, January 22, 2012

New music from Geoff released on

In 2005 I released "On Being Human" as a limited-edition CD for friends and family.  It was created in my home studio after I purchased my Yamaha S80 synthesizer.  I wanted to put both the synthesizer and the studio  through their paces to see what they could do.  I also wanted to push my own musical limits to see what I could create. The result is an eclectic collection spanning a variety of musical styles.  Yes, that's me playing every imaginable instrument and singing the vocals, with Pat Tufts as a guest vocalist for "Fencing Boy."

The performances and recording are not up to professional standards; this is my pre-production demo of the songs that came from my explorations.

I have decided to release this collection to the online community with the hope that somebody else will enjoy listening to my songs, rough edges and all.  Anyone can now listen to "On Being Human" at:

Since then, I have also been creating electronic instrumental soundscapes, suitable as soundtracks for film, television and moody alternate realities. I have decided to release these as well, in a brand new 2012 collection called "Electronic Soundscapes."  You can hear these too at: 

Of course, taste in music is a very personal thing.  You are invited to explore the music I have posted.  I hope you find something you enjoy!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Big Band version of Single Life! (Are you ready Dan Hill and Michael Buble?)

OK, it's finally happened!  I have just finished writing and recording the Big Band version of "Single Life."  It all started as a challenge from Canadian songwriting and recording legend Dan Hill.  He heard my original pop version of Single Life and liked the lyrics, but not the pop style. He said, "I really hear this as a blues song," and did a quick rendition of the chorus accompanying himself on the piano.  After my initial shock and dismay, I took this on as a personal challenge.  I wanted to see what I could do to reinvent the song as Dan Hill imagined it.

The gutsy blues version is still waiting for its turn to be recorded, but as I was working it out, I kept imagining it being performed by Michael Buble with a big band.  So, I wrote the big band score in Finale, recorded it using Garritan Jazz & Big Band 3, overdubbed the vocals, tenor sax and trombone solos, added some piano licks for good measure, and adjusted the final mix.

You can hear the results at:

Have fun listening!  (And next time you bump into Michael, please let him know I have a song for him!)
